Promoting an Online Marketing Course on Yelp
This case study shows how I created an automated sales system for online courses aimed at entrepreneurs in the USA
No maintenance needed
Facebook Ads
Landing Page
No sales team required
Completely turnkey
Choose your language
Sergey Utlik
Entrepreneur, marketer, and blogger from New York, USA
About the Project
Sergey developed a course on how to package and promote businesses on Yelp
This comprehensive video guide teaches you how to effectively market your business on the platform to get lots of orders
YouTube Channel
A Guy from Brooklyn
Marketing and Business in the USA
Implementation Stages
The work was carried out in the following stages
Marketing Funnel
Stage 1
During the development stage, we weren't sure if the entire project would be successful. This was a hypothesis test since there were no similar Russian-language guides in the US, and we couldn't predict conversion costs
But everything turned out even better than we expected!
The Yelp course addresses a major pain point for new entrepreneurs in the USA
I started by identifying the objections of the potential target audience. The highlight of the marketing funnel was an article structured to warm up leads and a fully automated chatbot
Landing Page on GoHighLevel
GoHighLevel is a popular American CRM system for business automation
Besides the usual functions, it includes an internal website builder, advanced "Thank You" page settings, and everything needed to create a powerful sales funnel
The landing page is formatted as an article. Check out the article's structure—starting with identifying the pain point. Each subsequent paragraph highlights the importance of addressing this pain, using facts, figures, and handling objections
Stage 2
Chatbot Instead of a Sales Team
SendPulse chatbot replaced an entire sales team and reduced the cost per customer
All of this is managed by the chatbot. This leaves us with the simple task of onboarding new students into the course
Stage 3
We guide potential clients with warming messages from the first contact to purchase
Educational materials
Introduction to the speaker
Сonveying the course's value
Handling objections
Ad Setup for Russian-Speaking Entrepreneurs in the USA
Stage 4
Targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram are the most effective traffic tools for online products. Facebook Ads settings allow us to show ads exclusively to Russian-speaking entrepreneurs in the USA
After a few weeks of A/B testing, we started receiving a large number of inquiries, significantly lowered CPM, and were thrilled with the results
The created auto-funnel paid for itself in the first month and consistently generates $3,000 to $6,000 per month
It requires no maintenance and operates completely automatically
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