About the project
Visual Tuning is the professional graphics installation company that specifies in decals application, large format graphics installations, interior decorations, vehicle wrapping and branding projects supervising.

The company has offices in Los Angeles and New York. For 7 years of impeccable work,
the company has performed more than 2100 projects, including works for the largest international brands of Fortune 500.
Our client needs to develop a website with good seo-optimization. The niche of visual installations is not too competitive, so the client receives a large amount of incoming organic traffic from search engines.
We decided to create a self-written website using Wordpress CMS with the addition of SEO-plugin.
Work process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Research of the target audience and competitors.
Creating a text prototype of a website
Making a design layout in figma.com. Approval of the client
Layout on Wordpress CMS. Search Engine Optimization
Typography and color
Grid system
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