a Self-Service
Coffee Shop Network
Facebook ADs
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What's Manna Coffee all about?
Well, it's a fresh startup shaking up the coffee scene in the USA since 2023. Picture this: we're all about self-service coffee spots. Our deal? We sell top-notch coffee gear branded with Manna Coffee, and we've got your back with maintenance too.
Our mission? To help you rake in extra cash by serving up quality brews through our innovative, barista-free coffee shops. Let's brew up success together!
How We Work at Spicy Media
Marketing Consultation with Funnel Building
Setting Up Facebook Ads
a Marketing Quiz
Building a Warming Chatbot
Step 1. Marketing Funnel
One of the biggest challenges in launching a new product in a new market is the lack of demand. When there’s no existing demand, your marketing campaign needs to focus on generating interest and introducing the market to your product. That’s why our strategy emphasizes warming up potential customers through engaging quizzes and chatbots
Just to promote the product
By introducing and familiarizing the audience with your product, we create demand and build a new market. Simply put, we don’t just advertise your product; we create interest and engagement around it
Create demand and a new market by introducing
new product
Step 2. Setting Up Targeted Ads
Every Banner is a Masterpiece
Step 3. Marketing Quiz for Franchise Sales
A quiz is an interactive test that motivates users to leave their contact information in exchange for a bonus
It’s a great tool for testing hypotheses or when you don’t have a website or landing pages to start driving traffic. This approach helps in engaging potential franchisees and capturing leads effectively.
The quiz serves 3 purposes :
Filtering Incoming Traffic
By using marker questions, we assess the readiness and interest level of potential leads
The quiz serves 3 purposes :
Creating Need
As they answer the quiz questions, potential clients begin to better understand their need for the product
Introducing the Product
Each question includes introductory information that helps familiarize potential clients with the product even before they talk to a manager
The quiz serves 3 purposes :
Step 4. Automated Chatbot
A chatbot is a fantastic tool for teams with a small sales department
After an initial conversation with a manager, potential clients enter our automated funnel. The chatbot warms them up with educational materials and detailed product information, keeping them engaged and informed
Turnkey Solution in 2 Weeks
Our free chatbot not only serves as an excellent warm-up tool for potential buyers but also saves thousands of dollars on sales department costs
With our comprehensive approach, we attract 10 to 30 leads per day (over 300 leads per month) for the purchase of self-service franchises in the USA
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