Kangaroo Movers is dedicated to providing moving services to private, corporate and government companies as well as individuals throughout Washington State and California.
The peculiarity of the promotion of a muling company is high competition in the U.S. market.
According to statistics in the western states (California, Washington, Nevada, Oregon) the competition among mover companies is the highest in America.
Customer request
The process of setting up contextual advertising in Google for any niche is always similar.
Our key objective is to reduce the cost of advertising for the customer, because at a cost of $ 72 applications and an average conversion rate of 30%, the customer received one customer for $ 216.
Given the low margins in a highly competitive environment, this customer value is not invested in the financial model and does not allow Kangaroo Movers services to scale.
Work process
In Google Ads it is necessary to conduct regular analytical work and optimize advertising campaigns.
The following are areas of optimization:
Overall performance with Spicy Media
From 28.12.2021 to 20.02.2022
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